Monday, April 20, 2009

scrapbook dix-neuf

My birthmark on my leg has plagued me for as long as I can remember. Its an eye sore that causes anyone who sees it to wonder what the hech happened to me. I've been asked if I've been injured (which based on my coordination is likely),if I have a rash/disease/infection, if it is a tattoo, or if it is paint (?). Nope. None of the above. It's a birthmark. I used to hate it so much that I never wanted to wear anything but jeans. It was awful. And they used to be worse since I was smaller, they were closer together and the color was way more intense. They are like purple Rorschach blots. Yet inspite of the fact they are ugly, they make me unique. I have never met anyone else with a similar birthmark. At least one that pronounced. I am now proud of it. I was told that once I got to high school it would disappear. I'm glad they are wrong. It makes me "me". If it was not there, it would be like a part of my life/identity was gone too. This doesn't really have a GoogleEarth link, since I didn't know where I was from, since I move around and such.

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